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Friday, August 26, 2005 

so the week is finally winding down. boy, i must say that this has been one of the longest weeks in the history of first weeks of school EVER! Apart from going to class, instructing, and planning i have had very little time for myself. My roommates can tell you that half the time we exchanged goodmornings and probably didn't say anything until goodnight. I have been that freakishly busy. But i have a new plan of action that just might give me some sort of actual 'me' time. We'll see how that goes.

ok so i have just received the best piece of blackmail ever and my little bro did it voluntarily..well kind of;) he has been hassling me about some things and the other day, which ust so happened to be my busiest day, he called me three times and the last one was so adorable...after the day i had, it made me laugh so hard. Basically he told me that if i didn't call him back that he would pull me out of school and make me live in the garage...all of this he claims 'mom said' lol..it was so hilarious..i attempted not to laugh as i called my mom at work as i knew he was already fast asleep. Gotta love little siblings. Well i need to run home before i go meet Sara and jennifer to take different pics around campus for a scavenger hunt we are getting the students to do next week. It's gonna be interesting in the very least..laters or in portuguese you'd say.."Cho!"-(Bye!)