YES! after a week of allergies i have all my senses back! first thing i did when i walked into my room was search for the benadryl and an hr later. oh i was out! that always feels good:) especially since i didn't sleep last night. i did my laundry and was the 'taxi' for my parents. i felt so old. i dropped off and picked my parents up from the club. i felt more like the parent than the other way around! and then i couldn't sleep for the life of me. my cat had a better night than i did. today in the car, i kept on falling asleep. that's a big no no. no one can sleep in the car. my brother will turn up the music, heat/air conditioner, and swerve to wake you up. yea, none of it really worked on me this time. lol. needless to say that my nap was awesome! i hope everyone's spring break was good. see everyone laters...