Bye bye Frosty...
Well, the snow has completely disappeared. Yes, snow. When I get back to Arlington I will post pictures since I forgot my computer adapter for the camera. It was crazy actually having snow during spring break. As you can imagine, my allergies are off the wall insane. And my benagril is safely tucked away in my cabinet all the way in Arlington. yay..LOL. Well out of this trip I have gotten a shirt. Serious; no joke. Everywhere we've gone, I haven't found a thing I really like. We haven't gone to many places b/c my mom wasn't feeling all that good. It's ok. There's Easter. And if all else fails, I guess I can wait for summer! But one thing for sure, I am getting some new shoes tomorrow. The puppy takes the whole "my dog ate my homework" to a new level. This cocker spaniel loves paper. Eats it, swallows it..You name it. Oh yea and shoes. Did I forget to mention that? Yesterday, I had my shoes in my room, in my suitcase, and I go looking for them b/c I have to run to the store...And where do I find them? Next to the computer in the living room...Laces torn, inside torn and bite marks on the outside. Yea, my dad is taking me to get some new ones. My shoes were already bad off, but put a 4 month old cocker spaniel with teeth like a shark on them and yea, they're doomed. And I more than certain that my flip flops have teeth marks on them. I'm just too afraid to check.
New house rule #1, put shoes up high.
New house rule #2 never bring homework home and if you do, strategically place it on a high bookcase.
New house rule #1, put shoes up high.
New house rule #2 never bring homework home and if you do, strategically place it on a high bookcase.