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Sunday, March 13, 2005 

News flash: mom's not really psychic

well, it's late sunday night and i have nothing to do at the moment. the trip was longer than usual unluckily. but i made it home in one piece and am thankful for that. well we were watching a special on pbs yesterday about genetics. sound boring? maybe. but there was a very interesting fact on there. you know how the mother and father pass on chromosomes to the baby. well on the show the scientists talked about how when the mother gives a daughter the chromosomes, she keeps part of one and through that one, the mother is able to feel the daughter's feelings all the way until age 27. that explains the whole mother intuition. so we all thought our moms were psychic but no, it's just the body;) i thought that was so interesting. within this past year especially being hundreds of miles away it was amazing how my mom knew when i was upset, when i was depressed...it's crazy. but yea, i just thought i'd share that crazy fact.

yesterday the weather was amazing. 84 degrees and of course dust flying everywhere. today,ugg...more like in the 50's and even more wind. tomorrow it's suppose to rain and a chance of wet snow. what is up w/that? lol. this crazy west texas weather is messing w/my alergies already! but oh wells other than getting to use the car a LOT, to run errands for my mom of course, i am sticking to the indoors. not sitting around for the very least. cleaning, doing homework, and being amuzed by the animals. the puppy is soooo cute and loves to fight with my cat which from what i hear is good b/c she had been eating way too much and wasn't doing a thing. but now she get's her exercise. and when the puppy and cat get out of line, our old dog separates them. it is hysterical. well i am rambling on and on so i am gonna go get some sleep b/c i have homework to do in the am and errands to run the rest of the day. night all.