Megan is the my new favorite person!
lol. big thanks goes out to megan. with her help, my blog is going to be very great! fixing things w/my pictures and hopefully sometime soon i will have organization! oh yea! today was interesting. lol. last night at oh, 2am i thought. 'i really don't want to go to class' well i woke up at 10. decided i would but that an extra hr of sleep was needed to sit through class, so i fell back asleep and woke up at noon..yea, that sucked. but anyways, had a good time in the office working on kean's spanish homework. great huh? of course. had dinner with 2 awesome people! i can now completely agree that Dylan is the cutest baby EVER! if for some reason i had my camara with me i would have taken picture after picture of all the cute things he did! dinnertime fun! lol. i'll let megan expand on that one in her blog which i have no doubt she'll post later. well megan is so great not just for helping me with blog issues but yes, i even get some new tunes! how sweet is that? lol. well random thought. isn't it weird how things change? within yrs? within months? within weeks? gosh, gotta love life..gotta love college. well back to studying trig..midterm tomorrow. night all