so it's late and i'm taking a study break at the moment..yes i realize that iam studying really late ona saturday night. have several big tests this week! let's just say that i can reward myself after friday morning;) yes. by next friday iwill be done with portuguese 1441! and there is no doubt about my grade in there! so freaking happy about that. so friday afternoon i am going to relax or something.
oh i just found my bro's fiancee's the knot site and it is so cute! she just started classes at church a few weeks ago. I'm extremely proud of her. things are just going her way. just changed her major to english with a minor in education, of course just got engaged and now is taking rcia classes at the church she wants to get married in! i am now for sure gonna be in lubbock for easter weekend!
things have been stressful around here and i just wish we had something similar to fall break. what i wouldn't give for a Fall break! oh wells..we can't always get what we wish for. later all
oh i just found my bro's fiancee's the knot site and it is so cute! she just started classes at church a few weeks ago. I'm extremely proud of her. things are just going her way. just changed her major to english with a minor in education, of course just got engaged and now is taking rcia classes at the church she wants to get married in! i am now for sure gonna be in lubbock for easter weekend!
things have been stressful around here and i just wish we had something similar to fall break. what i wouldn't give for a Fall break! oh wells..we can't always get what we wish for. later all