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Wednesday, March 02, 2005 

mmm...i can still taste cucumbers...yummy..we had snacks at our meeting tonight and oh yea, ate lots of cucumber slices..on my list of favorite veggies, cucumbers are right up there next to brocolli. the fact that i can remember the taste of the cucumber hrs after i've had some to the point that i can smell them is crazy. lol. memory is a funny thing. sometimes life feels like a slideshow. everything is just pictures that you took as things were happening. hidden camara, yes, b/c the memory takes pictures that a digital camara can't take and the stories that go w/each frame are way more meaningful. it's crazy how many memories i can recount off the top of my head with the help of my 'slideshow' of course. you know those pictures are priceless. the one of my little brother the first time i saw him at the hospital, or the first time i held him which wasn't until like a week later b/c i was scared that i would hurt him. lol..soon found out that he was 'handy' lol..the many times that boy fell off the bed gosh...it's a miracle he has a brain! ;) . friend memories...oh gosh, thank god there's no physical evidence of some of the things we did! lol...we did some pretty dumb and stupid stuff..it didn't matter who it was with..lol..i can think of one really late night at my house involving a portable basketball hoop and crazy friends...:) well it's late and i should get some sleep since i have a 12:30 class;) lol..night all. And a very happy birthday to mr. joshua james!