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Wednesday, February 09, 2005 

i feel pretty oh so pretty!

You've got to stake out your spot and not let anyone push you around. it's every person for themselves and you have to stalk the washers and dryers and once you have one, don't let it go until you are done b/c then you'll be lucky if you get back in the game within an hr. lol..this seems to be the motto of free laundry day..the housing office does free laudry day during 'Kindness' week...sure yea, college students are going to be nice when it comes to free cleaning? riigghhtt and pigs have wings..lol. if your things are left idle in a washer or dryer for more than 2 minutes, chances are they will end up in the growing pile of unclaimed clothes on the table;).. doing my laundry right now and yes i am playing by the rules;) it's good to make friends of fellow laundry people b/c they gripe out anyone who tries to touch your stuff..a guy i knew for like 30 minutes, staked out a dryer for me and wouldn't let anyone else have it! lol.

well i feel better today just for those of you who follow my blog. i even felt like dressing up today! very odd thing for me to do in the middle of the week;). gosh, lots of fun in education class..we bond very well and have very interesting discussions. we did a passion activity today where you share two passions you have. it was very interesting finding out peoples passions..we know each other fairly well and it was a nice change. well i have a meeting to get to..until another day.