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Tuesday, January 04, 2005 

foggy is as foggy does

fog has become a common backdrop to my days since new years..it's been so foggy around here...last night i went to go pick my mom up from work and i could only see about 10 feet ahead of me! it's even been foggy in the middle of the day! bleh!! had a big present today in the mail! a nice letter telling my dad that he was denied a parent plus loan! oh yes! he only applied so he would get denied in hopes that i can pull out another loan! yes...school is gonna be paid for now! hopefully i will even get to use some of one of my scholarships for books;) i am crossing my fingers on that one since i am looking at paying at least $300 for books:P well not much is going on except for random things that we've been doing around the house to amuse ourselves such as watching the cat fight with the red light reflected off a lazor pointer..nothing beats seeing a cat jump 5 ft in the air attempting to catch a red light;) lol well, i'm gonna leave ya w/a poem i wrote last year..let's see everyone brush up on your spanish;)

La lluvia cae en la tierra
los pajaros cantan melodias.
No revolotean las creaturas
sobre la hierba, llega la tormenta.
?Por que viene el huracan?
Brillaba el sol.
La sinfonia las notas
alegraba el viento,
el mundo era magnifico
donde los animales jugaron
y nosotros viviamos en paz.

Pero recuerda!
Despues de las nieves del invierno,
las flores brillantes de primavera
estan todas en la hierba,
Despues de la lluvia,
despues de la tormenta,
los colores
rojo y verde
azul y amarillo
estan en el cielo y forman un gran arco-iris.
y asi nace de nuevo
la esperanza.