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Friday, December 31, 2004 

you know, many people make resolutions, but does anyone truely ever keep them? veryvery rarely! so instead of making hopeless promises, i'd rather look at all the great things that happened in 2004. yes, let's take a small trip down memory lane and see all the things that happened...hmmm...let's attempt to go in chronological order. january..oh yea, i won a trophy in literary criticism. that trip oh boy. who would have thought that you could lose an exchange student in a bookstore, and then lose 4 more people on the rescue mission? oh yea and stay on the ghetto side of town w/gun shots at midnight? lol..fun times...Speech. ah yes...that flows throughout most of 2004. TFA state. that is a trip i will never forget. on march 3, i stepped on my first airplane! holding andy's hand, i successfully made it into the air w/out freaking out and my ears popping! lol. that is a trip that will never be forgotten;). ahh..and what was waiting for me when i got back from that trip? my acceptance letter to St. Gregory's, St. Thomas, Tech, and UTA! ahh yes. then came the hard part: choosing a school. wow. best decision ever made! that made all the difference in the world! of course, the definate decision did not come til may but it's all good;). prom w/my girls..ah yes, the three of us girls going stag! great times. and where would i be w/out graduation??? so many stresses, but i made it! i survived:)

summer's a little hazy b/c of course there was not much done. but my life went right into gear in august! met my roommate and despite all the warnings i received from my brother, we have gotten along pretty good. grant you, we do have our moments, but the friendship is great! and it's always nice having someone to go to church with! and of course when i just couldn't stand sitting through a history lecture, i could always count on laura!:hugs: suitemates are so great! kelly, julie and brandi are always looking out for us and we never fight minus the whole temp. wars the first two weeks of school;). trinity has been a wonderful place to live. everyone is so friendly and the hall is so lively. it's gonna be sad when i move out:( maybe i'll move back some day? EXCEL: there is so much to say about it! w/out excel, i don't know where i'd be...my whole college experience has revolved around it and most of my friends are in excel. i cannot express how much it has influenced me. and then there is that randomly selected mentor i have;) so much thanks to mk who reassured me that college would be great and has continued encouraging me as the year has gone on. many thanks to everyone who has had to deal w/my ranting! yal are so awesome! being able to sit back and reflect allows me to truely see how blessed this year has truely been! i do miss loved ones who are no longer here but i know that they are safe and healed. 2004 was full of ups and downs as any other year and it will never be forgotten. as i bring in the new year, i take w/me the memories of 2004 as well as 2003 and all the other yrs as well. 2005, here i come. ready to tackle challenges; ready to study; ready to have fun; ready to live some more!