Monday, January 31, 2005 

"i am his 'lover'" lol...way too complicated to really explain but that quote sums up the craziness this afternoon brought w/some friends and way too much time talking;)

ok, i am stealing this from someone's xanga but i thought it was so true.
"I didn't come to college to meet my husband; i came to college to meet my bridesmaids" -taken from lora's xanga jan. 30th from lauryn.

Sunday, January 30, 2005 

well it's late sunday night..i've worked on some homework but i still have a crapload left to paper that is actually due's pretty easy and it doesn't have to be completely perfect but the perfectionist in me wants to put it all down or nothing at all.. english paper...yea...that whole work a little bit everyday tidbit...uh, NO. lol..i get to write 4 variations of the paper and make them sound like they were done over several days;). i know i screwed myself over w/that one.

so why am i writting an entry if i have so much to do you say? well b/c i just barely woke up from an oh so sweet nap. i really needed that b/c didn't have the best of nights.. caught in the rain after church. went to the store to pick up some things, and then went to pick up some i got up to the window i couldn't find my wallet! yea. one of two places i left it. outside the albertson's parking lot on the shopping cart or at the register. so i kick it into high gear and drive back...thank goodness the staff had found it and all of my stuff was still in my wallet. so i got dinner and went back to trinity. grab all my bags and head on up. this nice guy opened ALL the doors for me including my suite door! i unlock my door and get all mystuff into my to my bro's room to return the car key and leave it in his roommate's possession. walk back to my room and turn the knob...doesn't turn! ahh..i locked myself out. luckily julie was in her room and she went and got me a key to my room and unlocked it. later i was baking and yea..burned myself. yikes! not the best of nights. well i should stop procrastinating and get back to the philosophy of teaching;) laters.

Saturday, January 29, 2005 

great pic of austin and josh warming up at the grill for the tailgate party today;) they were the charcoal guys.;) Posted by Hello

Friday, January 28, 2005 

Moment of the day: my brother fixing my computer:) ---yes, the new hard drive came in and as i type, the new windows stuff is downloading..i am of course on laura's computer while my computer is being "reborn"...sad thing is that everything i had on my computer is gone. but most of it i had saved elsewhere so i am relieved about that;)

not a lot has been going on the past few days...just grunt work. big bummer of the weekend: english homework every night! have to rewrite it every night making changes and print it out to turn it all in tuesday...:P i guess the good thing is that i originally made a decent grade...not what i am used to in my favorite subject but it is better than what i had expected.

i am so excited! i get to go to blue and white bash!! Yay! amber and i get to miss friday night at the retreat and go to the bash and we don't have to get to the retreat place until 8am! big yes! that class btw has proved to be a lot of work. i have 5 assignments due within the next week. and after we turn them in we have to get started on lesson plans and stuff like that. i guess it is good b/c the class finishes at the beginning of april. and then next semester i get to teach...having everything prepared will be great b/c if i don't take summer school, then i am going to take like 18 hrs in the fall along w/excel. w/summer school plus the fall semester, i will have over 60hrs and can file a degree plan!! yay..well i am officially rambling way too much. everyone have a great night! i'm off to have sibling bonding time;) laters
brothers can be so sweet sometimes;)

Wednesday, January 26, 2005 

yes, everyone i finally did get some unlike me, but hey, you don't see me complaining;) so, activities fair was today...and who got covered in cotton candy? times fun times. megan, you are my hair buddy;) "can i lick your shirt" --very random quote;) needless to say that i went to student training class w/my dirty shirt..liz, the girl that sits behind me, offered to clean the back of my shirt and take some of the stuff out of my hair...she's a perfectionist so i bet it was really bothering but got out of class early and went back to trinity and got cleaned up;) the whole cotten candy experience brought back so many memories....not so much of the boring times at work but more of those fourth of july days at the fourth on broadway and volunteer day every august at those were the intense times...people with heat exhastion can be cranky when it comes to their sugar and just to let everyone know, it is freaking hard making that stuff out in the heat! lol.

well i think the overwhelming feelings i had have finally somewhat diminished...for the most part at least i am never one to have organization but after last week and these past few days, i am gonna have to force myself to because i really don't need a breakdown..

oh random thought...the stones ..the stone right in the one gets that right? of course not. it's an image in a poem...bleh..the poem we did the other day: i would have never gotten it completely b/c yea, i know nothing of ireland rebellion! lol. it was like a big OHHH..that's what that well, as i keep on rambling b/c i just like typing b/c it makes me feel better sitting in front of a computer i will stop now..laters!

Tuesday, January 25, 2005 

well it is 4 am and my mind is goo. i did sleep. that i did. was at the office and all of a sudden, i had a lack of energy. don't ya just hate when that happens. attempted to do my paper but..rriiiighhht. so vegged most the night away and took a pretty decent nap. now i am sitting here and i kinda wrote my intro but it sounds like a 2yr. old wrote it. blah!

Warning: Randomness ahead! -----why is it that the ones that agrivate you the most are the ones you love the most? when you feel as though 'yes, i am free of them' truely you are weeping inside and wishing you could make them stay even just a day longer. ---

sorry on vagueness mixed w/ randomness. guess it's just my style;) good morning to all and i really should go fix my paper and see if i can upgrade to at least a 10yr. old sounding paper;) laters

Sunday, January 23, 2005 

i can get lost in his voice!!

seriously! the phantom can sing for me anytime!!awwww... i loved that movie so much...i honestly did not care that we had to wait for the 11pm show b/c it was SO worth it! of course walking around the mall for a few hrs could be counted as boring but boy, did we have fun. mandey w/little sleep for a long time makes her go crazy!:o) lol. then we went over to b&N! ok, at my strongest times it takes all the will power within me NOT to get lost and buy anything at B&N! now think of me yesterday? lol. needless to say i walked out w/3 books. but hey, it was a good bargain. ;) already started on one and i really like it. probably won't be on my best books list but of course, very few can make the cut on that list! any who, not much has happened today. woke up at 8 in the morning, stared into the unknown until i fell back asleep til 11...and then it took forever to gain the will power to get out of bed;) gotta luv evening mass! sometimes ya just don't want to get out of bed early;). well better attempt to write something for english...laters.

Friday, January 21, 2005 

well, i am in ransom hall at the computer is broke!:( oh poo! aparently, my hard drive crashed so i am out of a computer for about a week until my new hard drive comes in. so where will mandey be most the time for the next week?? ransom and library of course!lol.. i think i almost went crazy w/out the internet.

well, week one is done and all i can say is thank goodness for the weekend! my other classes went over pretty well. i not only have kean in astro. but also Chris. very good thing. trig, my instructor person is a grad student who is writing his thesis this semester. basically he said that you just needed to show up for monday quizes and the exams otherwise only if you don't understand something;). lol. english: ha...poetry..arg. i am not a poetry person. felt so dumb in class. everyone was making these elaborate contributions and i basically just wrote down a lot of what they said. poetry...blah! they made up a whole story about a couple and a baby out of the poem and i was like, ok??? seriously, where in the world do they get this kind of stuff? lol.

well so went to see aviator tonight but it was sold out so we decided to go see white noise...big mistake! we decided that it shouldn't even be called a movie! so did not like it. the only comfort we had was the anticipation of phantom tomorrow evening. well gonna go and yea...laters

Tuesday, January 18, 2005 

well today was my first day of classes...oh YAY! i had history and english. first off history: dang, i have to go to class! i know, i do usually go to class, but it's like a requirement in that class b/c she gives class assignments that can't be made up...i can't just NOT feel like going and go hang out instead. good..yes. then we had our first assignment...argg...we had to write a paragraph about ourselves and turn it in before we left. i made that thing quick and to the point. didn't elaborate in detail. surrrreee she's gonna believe that i'm an english major after reading that;) lol. then i had extra time and went to the offfice!!! oh..that was so much fun! the office was so ALIVE today! everyone hugging and catching up! it was awesome! then had to leave the happy scene and go to intro to texual analysis and interp. w/marykate. we walked in and the room was so quiet! but we had a nice short conversation w/ 2 people that sat in front of us so that was fun! that professor...ummm...she's a little...i don't know how to explain her...she's like really old...long white hair..nose ring! and....well let's jus say that she was a little on the hippie'm a little scared about that class's a class for english majors so all of us are all english people. i'm bound to take many more classes w/most of these people....and i really have to work in there; i can't just think of something off the top of my head b/c cha...they'll know and one fear is that i will get a "you're such an idiot" look or a "are you serious? you want to be an english major?" look. big fear! at least i have marykate in there w/me so one friend to start with! :)

got out of class early and spent all afternoon in the office! YAY. saw everyone by then..yes, even ignacio! lol....right now we're catching up on lost time...or at least he is! :( times...CT meeting! yay...i've decided that this semester b/c also my schedules so fits it, i am going to be in CT, E&A, Marketing, and Membership! L&D , is just right after english and i don't think my mind will be able to really be there completely but that's ok...i'm still a little bummed that i will be missing the beginning of General Body but hopefully i will be able to make the tail end of it. i don't get out of class til 2:20. i so hope that janette doesn't keep us there all the time til 2:20! there's always hope! ~~~~

well for those of you who haven't seen me, yesterday, i went and got my hair cut! i really like the cut. thanks everyone for saying that the color was nice...i'm not as bummed about it as much anymore so very big thanks! the cutting of it helped a little:) well i technically don't have homework due on thursday but i should read my's only like 20 pgs. no biggy..tomorrow is my day from hell. wednesdays will be called by that from now til forever! lol. well this semester. i have my 9am astro. lecture of which i just found out that kean will be taking! so someone to talk to! yay! then 10am trig. then 11 astro lab also w/kean! lab partner? i think so! lol! then i have lunch and then at 1 i have student coun. training. yay! monday and fridays are so much different than wed. b/c more breaks! lol...monday i have a longer lunch! and fridays i am done at 11...soo...yea...well gonna go and take a nap since i stared into the unknown last night! ALL NIGHT! lol..nighty night

Monday, January 17, 2005 

wow...what a LOOONNNGGG day! and what better way to end it than not being able to sleep so therefore i will take this time to write a journal entry! :) to start off, woke up early in the morning and drove to arlington! yay...what fun to be squished in the front seat and burning from the heater...riiigghtt. finally got to t-house like at 2-3ish and who is NOT there so i can freak her out? lol...laura was suppose to drive in saturday and i was going to surprise her by walking in but she ended up staying home an extra day so i was well situated by the time i got a hold of her to find that she would come later in the night;) did i tell her where i was? uh..NO...she thought my mom's phone was down so was alright w/me using my calling card;) so i talked w/her; dinner w/darcy! what fun...then i came back and waited for laura...callled her like at 9 and talked to her until she said she was in the parking lot and would see me in the she put her key in the door i opened freaked and said how much she hated fun.... mix ben and jerry's icecream, princess diaries 2, and fun drinks and that sums up great times in 103A by two very happy gals! and then oh the talks....we do love to talk;) as a matter of fact we just barely stopped talking a few minutes ago...we left on the story of my little bro's christmas mishap...poor little soul..he will be scared for it is SOOO funny. i'd luv to write it on here but for you to get the whole effect, you would have to hear me tell the story sooo...ask me later about the explosion in santa's workshop and the dying elves.....believe me, you will be brought to tears....either of sorrow or of joy or as i have done so many times...BOTH. well as today is now tomorrow and i haven't slept in my bed for over a month, i think i will take my leave and get some shut eye!

Sunday, January 16, 2005 

another view of my room! Posted by Hello


one view of my newly redecorated room Posted by Hello


Me taking a pic of myself in....MY ROOM!!  Posted by Hello

Friday, January 14, 2005 

ok, there are only, ONLY 2 reasons why i am posting:

one to say i will see everyone at UTA soon! yes...3 more days! so i will not post til i am back in arlington.

and TWO: To Wish one of the greatest gals ever a very VERY HAPPY Birthday! Happy birthday Darcy! wish i could be there to give ya a big hug! :) Have a great day miss 19 yrs. old!

Thursday, January 13, 2005 

well i think i have just about everything done...still missing a few socks...guess they are lost to the world b/c i have looked everywhere for them...poor socks all alone in the big big world and probably scared of becoming the dog's new toy....;) lol. but seriously, all of my clothes are clean and are already packed. now i am a serious champion on that. closing suitcases should be a sport. it takes skill to get those things zipped up! now i will just take out what i need when ineed them. well if at some moment my brother decides that we are leaving, i am ready. the only thing i have to fight w/ is getting all my stuff to fit on my side of the back seat. that's always hard. i can't put anything into the trunk, he won't have that. ihave to make everything fit on my half of the back seat. not a lot of room. oh yea, and it can not obstruct his view. grrrr...

oh wow, i so want to see hide and seek! it comes out jan. 28th! i just saw the trailer and wow..well it's kinda late and igotta go do some things before i pickmy momma up from work including feeding the whining dog that sounds like a baby crying so laters

Wednesday, January 12, 2005 

ok, i'll admit it: maybe i exaggerated just a little bit last night. um...just a little. ok, when you pay extra $ for the special dye that is for people w/dark hair that want lighter, you kinda expect that the results will be close...arg...i have once again auburn tint to my hair...arg..i so could have gotten the same result by using the cheap stuff...anywho, everyone is allowed no more than 2 minutes of laughing at my hair. so bask in the joy of laughing at my dumb mistake when you first get to see me b/c that's all youre getting. i've been pondering how long i will leave it alone before attempting to get it dark again so it's somewhat back to normal.

well phase 2 of packing starts tonight. my mom wants my room cleaned so she can put it back to a guest i must pack EVERYthing that i won't need for the next 5 days! yes, five days. in five days i will be going back! i had contemplated taking a bus back saturday but the only one was at 4:30 in the am and i would be getting into arlington at 11:30 am. sounds all good and happy sure, but then i looked at the price...ouch...not willing to part w/that much money...i guess i am really attempting to look at ways to save money so i can have spending money for spring break....;) well, i guess i should go change the load in the washer and take down my stuff in my room..laters.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005 

ok, i am so done messing w/my hair color!! ahhhhh..... no, it didn't just stay almost the same this time...ummmm.....i don't know how to explain it but it's crap...just where near what i've been trying.........grrrr....and yea...well, yal will see it next week...maybe it'll look a little bit better by then...i sure hope so.....

Monday, January 10, 2005 

ok, i am just to thrilled to hold this in! i know i posted last night and probably no one has gotten to read it. come to think of it, i don't know if anyone is reading anything i've been writing, but hey, who cares? really...but on to what i'm so fricking excited about! i am so set for my unsubstadized loan! oh yea baby! i not only got enough to pay off the rest of my tuition and what not, but i have like extra left over. and yes, my private scholarship that i get from a lubbock business group: ALL for books! so fricking serious! hold on my account until the loan check gets put in but the $ from my scholarship is already in my bank account and i don't have to ask my parents for money for books this semester! oh yea! usually they write a blank check that i can fill out when i buy my books but no, they don't have to! maybe this will help them decide to pay for my plane ticket for spring break???;) i so much hope so! i'm going to Cali w/laura, and they are probably going to florida to my cousin's wedding. good trade off. but they are going a week earlier than our spring break so it's all good:) well that's all..laters..oh yea, exactly one week from right now by this exact time, where will i be???? IN TRINITY!!! :)

Sunday, January 09, 2005 

i am so walking on the wild side;). lol. my dad is sitting on the couch in the other room...well it's technically not another room. i am at the computer and he is like 30 ft away looking at tv..i am in plain view. so serious..and why is this weird? maybe b/c i a m supposedly grounded! lol. yes, 19 yrs. old and grounded. it's complicated. if you truely want to know why i got grounded, then call me. serious..home number's 806-793-6808. it took like 5 minutes friday night explaining the whole thing to laura and she knows my family fairly

something very weird happened today...i know, tons of weird things happen but this was i used to be really active in the youth group up until last one's really changed there. everyone for the most part is still the same except for new faces of the jr. high kids..well since i've been home only this one guy has seen me. well also, he's like really the only one i've seen too. well today, i saw EVERYONE as i was leaving church. so serious. really nice reunion sorta. and i got to talk to one of the adults who was a good friend of mine. apparently, everyone thought i was going to tech and just didn't go to the church w/my parents anymore...ouch..kinda hurt. i explained where i've been and they were like ohhhh...yep...didn't get to go to their get together b/c sundays are family time but it was so nice seeing them:)

well i am so syked about tomorrow! sarah who my brother's girlfriend and i are gonna go see spanglish! oh YEA!! last week we were talking about movies and both of us were like naming movies we wanted to see but had no one to go with and spanglish was at the top of the list! zach was like, you must be crazy if you think that you two are dragging me to see that girly movie so we just looked at him and were like "who said you were invited?" lol;) well i've been sitting at the computer for 15 minutes and i haven't been yelled at so i guess my dad's memory loss kicked in;) lol...laters

Saturday, January 08, 2005 

i'm so sorry if the countdown thing is getting to everyone but it's one of the few things that keeps me going from day to day. Today i finally went and got my glasses! took way too much push and shove to finally get someone to go w/me...i attempted to go on my own earlier this week and every place was trying to screw me over w/unnecessary charges. poo to them! i got 2 pairs of glasses today and saved over $200! oh yea. ;) went shopping w/my momma and started some shopping for spring clothes since i won't be back til who knows when. we plan on doing a little bit more next weekend so i am kind of excited about it...

last night i got so bored, i began my packing process...i have enough clothes out for the remainder of the time i'll be here but everything else is already packed...this is gonna be fun packing everything back in;) i have more stuff than when i came...good thing i like just threw stuff in when i came to lubbock so i know i'll be able to fit it all back in! lol...laura might have made fun of me just tossing stuff in unfolded but it is a strategy i learned last year at TFA state;). well as i am actually grounded from the computer at the moment...shhh...don't tell my parents;)....i better go before i get caught...laters...

Friday, January 07, 2005 

grrr.. seriously! grr. to the world...10 more days.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005 

foggy is as foggy does

fog has become a common backdrop to my days since new's been so foggy around here...last night i went to go pick my mom up from work and i could only see about 10 feet ahead of me! it's even been foggy in the middle of the day! bleh!! had a big present today in the mail! a nice letter telling my dad that he was denied a parent plus loan! oh yes! he only applied so he would get denied in hopes that i can pull out another loan! is gonna be paid for now! hopefully i will even get to use some of one of my scholarships for books;) i am crossing my fingers on that one since i am looking at paying at least $300 for books:P well not much is going on except for random things that we've been doing around the house to amuse ourselves such as watching the cat fight with the red light reflected off a lazor pointer..nothing beats seeing a cat jump 5 ft in the air attempting to catch a red light;) lol well, i'm gonna leave ya w/a poem i wrote last year..let's see everyone brush up on your spanish;)

La lluvia cae en la tierra
los pajaros cantan melodias.
No revolotean las creaturas
sobre la hierba, llega la tormenta.
?Por que viene el huracan?
Brillaba el sol.
La sinfonia las notas
alegraba el viento,
el mundo era magnifico
donde los animales jugaron
y nosotros viviamos en paz.

Pero recuerda!
Despues de las nieves del invierno,
las flores brillantes de primavera
estan todas en la hierba,
Despues de la lluvia,
despues de la tormenta,
los colores
rojo y verde
azul y amarillo
estan en el cielo y forman un gran arco-iris.
y asi nace de nuevo
la esperanza.

Sunday, January 02, 2005 

so i officially have blisters on all ten fingers and both palms oh yea, and cuts on my pointer finger. what is all of this from? drum roll please......tiling! arg...a few yrs ago, my mom said that she wanted her whole house tiled. and when she wants something, usually, it gets done but as my dad is a very picky person, he decided that he could do the whole job himself and also save some money by doing so...well 3yrs later? we did the hallway, entryway and we just finished up the informal living room. well it's not technically finished. my job is to first help remove the carpet, and then clean the floor b/c yea, this carpet is probably the original carpet so you have to scrape insulation i sit back; my job is finished for the day. my dad lays the tile. the next day is what i hate the most. everyone says i have the easiest job..well i don't see them volunteering to switch! i had to clean out in between the cracks so my dad could grout. bleh!!!! i am so tired and the sad part is that i am not done yet! but as my hands cramped up i took breaks in which i did other chores..oh the joy. yep, you go off to school and don't have chores except to do your own thing which btw i totally dig and then come home and they clobber you w/chores just to make up for lost time:P i am totally ready to go back to my room in trinity where my only chores are to do my laundry, clean my dirty dishes, and clean the bathroom when it's my turn which is like only once a month. yes. big houses and big families have got to be overrated! in a big house, you spend half your time cleaning up and dusting! big families: i guess it'd be great if there were an equal amount of girls and boys but when youre the only girl!'s like some unwritten rule that girls do girly chores and when a guy does them, he gets very much praised for his work:P ok...i think i can step off of that soap box and that rant is done!

i don't exactly fit into the statistic of college students changing their majors. i'm not technically changing it. i'm still gonna get an english degree. yes. am i gonna go the education route? that's right..every day i feel more and more as though i'd rather go on to the big "L" school than teach high school english. i feel less and less of a passion for it. i dunno. my be it's my inner self not wanting to be tied down to one career? if i go english concentration education, that's all i can do: teach. go regular english with my minor in...(well i'm still battling that one) then if law school doesn't work out, i can certainly find a job doing somethingand if i do want to teach after that, i take a test and take a few courses and there ya have it. right now, there is a possible benifactor who could possibly pay for law school so that is a plus. it's scary...i have until august to make my decision...youre not suppose to have to make this kind of decision so early!! ahh..

ok, i can hardly wait! in exactly two weeks i will be back in arlington! a friend who goes to school in dallas offered me a ride back w/her but i can't. she's going back THIS week. like the 6th. problem is, i can't get in til the 15th. no one can for that matter. the whole situation was all way too complicated. i would have to find somewhere to stay and i decided to leave well enough alone. hang in a few weeks...i am of course not due back to lubbock until maybe easter b/c if i don't go to cali, then my mom and little bro are going to arlington for spring break and we're going to six flags. so Borrock for another 2 weeks:P.