i can get lost in his voice!!
seriously! the phantom can sing for me anytime!!awwww... i loved that movie so much...i honestly did not care that we had to wait for the 11pm show b/c it was SO worth it! of course walking around the mall for a few hrs could be counted as boring but boy, did we have fun. mandey w/little sleep for a long time makes her go crazy!:o) lol. then we went over to b&N! ok, at my strongest times it takes all the will power within me NOT to get lost and buy anything at B&N! now think of me yesterday? lol. needless to say i walked out w/3 books. but hey, it was a good bargain. ;) already started on one and i really like it. probably won't be on my best books list but of course, very few can make the cut on that list! any who, not much has happened today. woke up at 8 in the morning, stared into the unknown until i fell back asleep til 11...and then it took forever to gain the will power to get out of bed;) gotta luv evening mass! sometimes ya just don't want to get out of bed early;). well better attempt to write something for english...laters.
I hate that everyone goes to B&N without me. *POUT* And what is up with the title of the post? I know you aren't making fun of people who have lost their voice...JK
Posted by Anonymous | 7:17 PM
thanks randy for those oh so great comments;)! of course i am talking of Phantom of the opera! Gerald Butler can sing for me anytime day or night! lol...
Posted by Mandey | 3:28 PM
I love the phantom of the Opera, but I don't just love the movie, I love Gerald Butler's voice. I swear that he has control over me when he sings. I have the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack, and I cry everytime. Literally, I cry. If you love the Phantom of the Opera, get the soundtrack because it is beautiful. But there are songs that the phantom does not sing. That's the only thing wrong with it. Well, cya.
A forever lover of the Phantom
Posted by Anonymous | 11:33 AM