Friday, October 28, 2005 


so i thought i would be tortured with studying all this weekend but as luck would have it, my professors changed due dates and now instead of having next week full of presentations and exams, they have been spread out. all i have next week is my astronomy test and portuguese test. not too bad; not too bad. i have at least an extra week for my presentation which isn't coming along as much as i wished but the extra time should help and my american lit class doesn't even meet next week! you don't know how awesome that really is. no 8am class! next week is my last astronomy lab ever! i just have my point out in a few weeks but hey, after that, no more astronomy lab for me!

As the month of november approaches, i can't help but feel anxious. November starts on tuesday. The countdowns will soon begin. thanksgiving/christmas holidays. oh i can't wait! i get to see my family and play with my nephew. i'm already setting babysitting dates;) get to see harry potter with my little brother even though i probably will see it here. it's a thing we do; we must see harry potter together and this time he is paying for me to go. i usually pay but this time it is his gift to me so it's gonna be great. i'm not gonna let him know that i've already seen it so i get to act like it's my first time to see it;) well, must go do my laundry and clean up...later all

Sunday, October 23, 2005 

i hate technology

grr..i just give up. stupid good for nothing computer. i just need a new one. i will start saving up on my own just in case my parents don't give me their computer so i can buy my own. i just need the actual computer. don't need a monitor,mouse or keyboard. Just the computer! argg...i've gone half a semester w/out one so i guess i can finish out the semester.

darn me and forgetting to take my camera. today was a tiring but fun day. went to The Edge's Fall Homecoming and i must say that it was freakingtabulous. cold, but great! froze...everyone froze but wow! once you got going and dancing and jumping, it all started warming up. and if any of that failed, nothing can beat going to the bathroom and using the hand dryers as heaters. I am so happy. it was my first concert and wow. Yellowcard, fallout boy and all american rejects..yea buddy! oh and we all decided that 30 seconds to mars is pretty good. There were many bands but those were my favorite. A great day although i will probably be sick when i wake up for class but it was well worth it.

Saturday, October 22, 2005 

it's alive!!

so after two months, my computer is finally up and running again. lost everything i had (pictures,songs,files) but at least i now i have something that works. the possibility of getting my mom's computer by next semester are rumored. She's thinking of a way to convince my dad that she should get a new computer and hey, i get to have hers;) that would be sweet.

spent the day in fort worth and it was great. my bro worked on my computer and we had a nice car adventure. you know what's freaking funny? or at least what i found hilarious. ok, what sport do you expect to be played on a baseball field? baseball, right? WRONG! lol. in white settlement, they not only use the baseball fields for little league baseball but for soccer AND football. i didn't believe it until i saw it myself.

fun times with friends. random comments that not only make you freeze in your tracks but make you shiver..running into walls and losing mario kart. thinking winning is possible but in the last second, megan sweeps in and wins once again. yea, that was great. well this room i have been avoiding all week keeps on silently screaming 'clean me; clean me!'

megan: "You have NO IMAGE. You have an IMAGINATION"

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 


Sometimes, it is the little suprises that seem to make a not so great day better. had a freakingtabulous talk with my mother and finally figured out something that my dad omitted when he talked to me about the holidays. I really do hope it works out. My Christmas holiday would be completely awesome and i would adore my parents all the more should it all work out. my mom brightened my day. Monday was long and ugg..although small joys happened through the day. I got to see my students work together and put together a completely awesome project. THey just blew me away. THen dinner..yea, that was great. tuesday was the luncheon and all i have to say is that the emerging scholars fig is a winner in my book! and then today...oh today. finally got my midterm back for my upper division english class and wow. wow. there's no words to really explain it. all i can say is wow. i thought i completely wiped out on that test but apparently not.

sometimes when stress gets to you all you can do is just laugh. laugh at the mistakes you made b/c you were too tired. laugh because you tripped; laugh because you're hurt; laugh at the fact that you are sleep deprived; laugh b/c you fell asleep while supervising a study group; for the most part, just laugh. It will make you feel better to see the humor in the otherwise not so perfect moments of your day.

Sunday, October 16, 2005 

i don't wanna...

can time just stop? i do not want the week to begin. when the week begins, then i'm back into the endless cycle once again. this weekend...well, it was...easy. well for the most part. i did wake up late for work but at least i got there ok. saturday swapped stories with my roommate and watched Tech win their homecoming game...SLEPT! oh yes, for once, i got to sleep in today. it felt so good. a weekend of nothing! how sweet.

and today just topped it all off. after an adventure finding the embassy suites DFW Airport North, got to have some time with my D-A-D. That was really awesome..he's coming back through friday but it's gonna be too late to spend time with him (he flies in at midnight) we got to talk and catch up and he filled my car up:) talked about the holidays and how that will work out. I have to check ticket pricings so we'll see how that all works out. well 10 am class tomorrow so i'm out!

Friday, October 14, 2005 


oh wow, it is such a miracle...i survived a whole week of waking up freakishly early..well not completely. i still have tomorrow where i need to be somewhere at 7:45 but other than that, one early morning week will be done. another one to start on monday. fun stuff.

my lit midterm was freakishly easy and i feel so confident with my grade in there. took my portuguese final today and now i am in portuguese 1442. oh yes! four hours of foriegn language done only 10 more left! this weekend should really be a relaxing weekend considering that midterms are over but ha..i already need to start studying for more tests that i have in a few weeks and halloween i get to give my presentation in history of american literature class. Some awesome things have happened this week and i'm glad that they did. i actually regret nothing. well i'm gonna go.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 

because i don't wanna study...

1.When you look at yourself in the mirror, what's the first thing you look at? BLAH! why a i plagued with acme?!

2.How much cash do you have on you? just took money out this past weekend so like 20 dollars

3.What's a word that rhymes with "TEST"? PEST!

4.Favorite plant? hmm...grape vines...they are so beautiful and awesome. i have wonderful summer memories as a child picking grapes from my neighbor's grapevines

5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone? don't own a cell phone...4th person on my answering machine which counts as a missed call would be megan
6.What is your main ring tone on your phone?ring

7.What shirt are you wearing?
excel shirt.

8.Do you "label" yourself? unfortunately, after discussions today...i do

9.Name brand of your shoes currently wearing? not wearing shoes...hanes socks

10.Bright or Dark Room?
dark...i'm an energy walls are covered w/pics but blinds closed thanks to wonderful friends making weird calls from the sidewalk late at night...

11.What do you think about the person who took this survey before you?
i really don't remember where i got this from...i'll just be generic..everyone is fun and great

12.Ever "spilled the beans"?
everyone's done it at some point or another...i did it throughout childhood being the youngest for 11yrs; it was my job to tell the secrets of the other siblings and really...i know i probably let something slip

13.What were you doing at midnight last night? SLEEPING! had an early and LONG day today...of course got woken up at 1am but that wasn't at midnight

14.What did your last text message you received on your cell phone say? N/A

15.Do you ever click on "Pop Ups" or Banners? about NO!

16.What's a saying that you say a lot? 'i heart you' 'are we cool?'

17.Who told you they loved you last? i think it was either darcy or megan. gotta love friends...

18.Last furry thing you touched? my KITTY and teddy

19.How many hours a week do you work? get paid for more than that. and then 19 hrs of school

20.How many rolls of film do you need to get developed? i tranfered to digital last year. but somewhere in my mom's box of undeveloped film are 3 cameras with speech trip to elpaso, senior all night party, and one random goodbye camera

21.Favorite age you have been so far? i really don't know...every age has its ups and its downs. i would have to say 5! i was so innocent and well a kindergartner!

22.Your worst enemy?myself

23.what is your current desk top picture? don't have a computer...this laptop has rules of uta library policy

24.what was the last thing you said to someone? "i am not helping the 'don't do it' cause"

25.If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to go back in time to fix all of your mistakes, which would you pick? as much as i wish i could go back and right all my wrongs, i would take the million dollars b/c i wouldn't be anywhere near the person i am today were things to have been done differently..sounds like a good thing and then sounds like a bad thing...

Saturday, October 08, 2005 

so it's late and i'm taking a study break at the moment..yes i realize that iam studying really late ona saturday night. have several big tests this week! let's just say that i can reward myself after friday morning;) yes. by next friday iwill be done with portuguese 1441! and there is no doubt about my grade in there! so freaking happy about that. so friday afternoon i am going to relax or something.

oh i just found my bro's fiancee's the knot site and it is so cute! she just started classes at church a few weeks ago. I'm extremely proud of her. things are just going her way. just changed her major to english with a minor in education, of course just got engaged and now is taking rcia classes at the church she wants to get married in! i am now for sure gonna be in lubbock for easter weekend!

things have been stressful around here and i just wish we had something similar to fall break. what i wouldn't give for a Fall break! oh wells..we can't always get what we wish for. later all

Wednesday, October 05, 2005 

"Good advice is always certain to be ignored, but that's no reason not to give it."
Agatha Christie

i wish to add something to that quote...."...because sooner or later, the advice will be taken to heart" just my personal spin on that quote. a big special thanks to someone who lended their ear and then gave me advice that went through one ear and out the other. apparently, advice has a boomarang effect on me which is good. well that's all. Can't wait til tomorrow! BED RACES!! Peer counselor team..oh yea we rock...although we will not win, we will have fun;)

Monday, October 03, 2005 

FOR Sally

so i was just told by my roommate that ineeded to update...why? i dunno. not much to update about. Had a great girl's night with darcy, julie and christine (brazos person) and that was great. but since sally is demanding an update i am giving it. roommates..yes, i have two very understanding and crazy roommates. they are so awesome for letting me use their computers when they're not using them..they are truely great. and just for putting up with my everlasting messy room. i don't know what it is but i clean my room up every other day but it still turns crazy. i guess when i'm searching for one little thing i just have to turn the room upside down. christine is so great. the vacuum she had her dad buy for her is so sweet! we now have very clean carpet and restroom floors! sally...what can i say about sally? she's great! those two have been week..yea..i would call up to the room and they would just say where are you? b/c i forgot my card oh so many times. BUT really, they are fun and hopefully this week we will finally have the girls' night since last week i had a major migrane and bailed on them. well sounds like a good enough update.laters

Saturday, October 01, 2005 


so, i have tons of 'catch up' reading to do this weekend along with grading stuff. cool beans. oh wow, haven't used that phrase in a LONG time. today was awesome. got paint splattered all over me as i helped paint a house. It was fun. Got to talk to some people i regularly wouldn't talk to and met some new people:) and of course made someone's day by painting;) i think i still have a few paint spots left in my hair. Hopefully they will come out tomorrow when i shower once again. i seriously thought i had gotten everything out but as i combed my hair i found more white. lol. it's all good.

You know what is such an awesome sound? the 'cooing' sound that a baby makes. or better yet, their giggle. I have no clue how my nephew looks right now but yesterday afternoon i called home and they were over over at my mom's. I talked to my mom briefly, and then had a nice long talk with my little brother who was overlooking the baby who was laying in the basinett. he put the cell phone on speaker and let me talk to my nephew who just started making sounds and giggling..oh i wish i could just hold him!

yesterday, i bought my little cousin her birthday present and now i just need to buy a box so i can mail it to her. It was just the cutest thing ever. i feel kind of bad to her sisters but their birthdays are around the corner;) then i went to the half price bookstore originally for myself and well...i ended up buying a whole collection of books for my nephew. it's barely october too. boy, his christmas is gonna be one great christmas;) i am gonna be one of those very spoiling aunts. lol. the kind that almost everytime they visit they bring you a present! lol. that's ok, i can do that. of course most of the time i bring presents of books. if he doesn't like that aspect of me, can blame his Nana for giving me a love for reading. i remember just sitting side by side with my mother first as a young child as she read to me and then as i read on my own in silence for hours as we both soaked in story after story.