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Thursday, July 07, 2005 

so many thoughts make a scrambled mind

ok, so bare with me. there are some things that i've been holding off on blogging and maybe i can remember to put them down.

started my psychology and history classes over at reese center...if you ever want to feel like you're back in gradeschool, then that place is for you! seriously, it gets so boring and my history teacher talks to us like we are 5th graders and reads the notes word for word to us. psychology is a little bit better but a film we watched today...well i could have done without it. we are going through prenatal period and needless to say i think i will obt for them to cut me open if i ever get pregnant or i'll just adopt! i am excited about my project for the class and can't wait to get started on the research.

my mom talked to my brother this past weekend...zach, the one that will graduate from uta in august. (i know it can get confusing remember which bro i'm talking about) apparently, his group had a big set back with the project blowing up or something...i truely feel for them..they were almost done too! but i just talked to his girlfriend sarah and it looks like the company that sold them the defective part will fix things. also just got the news that his interview today went well..my brother may very well have a job before he graduates! keeping my fingers crossed for him.

ok,i think other than that news things are pretty much the same...if my dad lets me, i will use his camera at the babyshower saturday and update the gallery with the pictures...so maybe you'll get to see that. well time to get back to the books...i should stop sneaking over to the computer. no internet for mandey! can do that when i get back to arlington...don't worry...i'll still blog;)