Thursday, July 28, 2005 

well everyone. i now have a few pictures that we took yesterday. I decided to save you from the not so pleasant ones like pamper changing but i did put a few of the really cute ones on there! Within the next week or so, i will be making a picture web page for my brother and his wife with all the baby pictures that were taken in the hospital. i was going to post his hospital picture but my bro forgot to save that pic to the computer. it's so far the only picture that we have with his eyes wide open. He has what my family likes to call the 'chinese' it's hard for him to keep them open..oh enjoy Roman's page! just follow the links for my gallery b/c for some weirdreason it's not letting me link it on here...

Sunday, July 24, 2005 


can you tell how excited i am...last night at 11pm, my sis in law was admitted to the hospital b/c the baby's heart was way too fast...stayed overnight...and so it 2:08pm today, July 24th, Jose Roman Flores 4th was born at 6 lbs 2 ounces and 19 inches. i wasnt there b/c i was already at work..but after work i went and saw my nephew...he is just the cutest thing he has a full head of black hair and has really dark brown eyes....i will eventually get some photos up on here..but yes. he is born..and bears the namesake....see, my grandpa, jose roman flores Sr. passed away in september due to cancer..i know this sounds weird but anyways, late the night before he passed, although he was barely talking, he told my father that my brother and his wife would have a son within a brother was like,,,that's a nice thought for a while b/c they have been trying for a few years and had almost given up for the time being. so that little baby is a little gift from God. B/c in my house alone, we have Joe and Trey, little joe the 4th will go by his middle name roman...but oh just wait until he has to fill out legal stuff and college applications..what a fun name to write;) lol..

Thursday, July 21, 2005 

lyric time!

ok so i thought i'd do a completely pointless entry. well many of my posts are pointless to a lot of people but who cares..i write and you can read if you feel like it. so lately when i've been driving to and from school, i've been flipping through the stations...and as this being west texas, most of them are country..i love country as much as the next...and actually this next song is a country says so much. it is just one of the many songs i've been known to belt out with the music blaring but here it is..

Ever been misunderstood, misused, or misled
Ever knocked on the sky
and had it fall on your head
well, don't worry 'bout it, don't worry
Ever lost your luggage, your marbles,
your house
Or found yourself in bed with Uncle Sam or Mickey Mouse
Ever been accused of murder on Music Row
Or caught in morning traffic when you
really gotta go - Oh no!

Life is funny, life's a mess
Sometimes a curse, sometimes a blessing
Don't worry 'bout a thing, don't worry 'bout it
Life gets sticky, life can bruise
Sometimes you win sometimes your losing
No matter what it brings
Don't worry 'bout a thing

Ever sat yourself down when the
seat is all wet
Or see your "ex" sucking face with
a little brunette
Don't worry 'bout it, no don't worry
Ever lost your religion, ever lost your
best friend
Or found your last record in the bargain bin
Or been stuck in a divorce like crazy glue
Or scraped someone else's gum off the
bottom of your shoe - Boo hoo!

[Repeat Chorus]

(Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah - Blah, Blah,
Blah, Blah, Blah, - Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah,

Don't worry, don't worry

We all got a little junk in the trunk
And when you're feelin' good as sunk
Remember, everything will be just fine
If I laugh at yours then you'll laugh at mine

[Repeat Chorus 2x]

(Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah - Blah, Blah,
Blah, Blah, Blah, - Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah,

Don't worry, don't worry

Life gets sticky, life can bruise
Sometimes you win sometimes your losing
No matter what it brings
Don't worry 'bout a thing

(thank you very much)

-Shedaisy's Don't worry about a thing

Wednesday, July 20, 2005 

Modivation anyone?

ha. i am so not modivated in much now a days. i am just not used to having this type of stuff to do in the summer. my lowest grade gets dropped whether it's an a or an f so the modivation is low. it takes great power for me to get out of bed in the morning..i really am deeply sorry for my mother who has to hear the alarm b/c that thing goes off for a while before i roll out of bed.

tonight i stood a friend up for the second time..oh gosh i feel so guilty but i got home from class and just fell asleep on the couch. we are devising a new fool proof plan to make sure that we actually get together next time...which oh watch out lubbock. lol..put us together and you get a lot of sarcasm. lol.

well you know the feeling you get when you realize that you are doing awesome when you didn't think you were so great? well that's how i feel. right now, so long as i only have to retake my trig class, i will graduate on time if not early! after this year and summer school i could potentially take only 11 hrs a semester but hey, won't do that b/cthat's just not fun;) and of course next year i will have an internship and senior year a residency. so excited! later all:)

Monday, July 18, 2005 

guess it's about time to do a real update on muy. lol. but in 27 days i will be moving into KC hall. so awesome. now how i'mgetting my stuff that i have with me to arlington is going to be 'fun' b/c of the whole graduation thing. everyone's gonna have luggage. but i may be able to convince my aunt or someone to take whatever doesn't fit in our explorer. gonna cross my fingers...b/c i am not going to be like last year when i forgot my pillows and no no!

my summer classes are going well. learning a lot about human behavior and growth and stuff like that in my psychology class...i've decided that after tests just to go sit in my car until we start lecture again since it isn't good to sit with others and discuss the long story there but let's just say that in the minds of the majority of those people, i'm a genius..haven't had that feeling in a long time. now history..oh my gosh, everytime i step in that classroom i can feel a couple of more brain cells dying. when i left after my first test, (which only took 5 minutes) i muttered something that i think my instructor actually something to the fact that the test was an insult to my intelligence..oops my bad;)

patience is a virtue that everyone in my family is learning...i think we've had a total of 3? false alarms with the baby coming and now, they will probably induce labor by the end of the week. baby boy is already proving to be a stubborn child..this past weekend, they did everything possible to naturally induce labor and can't ya tell he's gonna be a bundle of fun?

so everything's going good around will be here soon(i want to know his name!) , boring classes, oh and i am working for my aunt on the weekends. yes, oasis shaved ice has reopened their doors. and i thought i had escaped my multi colored hands? lol. not a chance. so i am working there until we leave for arlington which is less than the 27 days! lol. later

Wednesday, July 13, 2005 


ok, know how i said that my brother had an interview last week? well, today he got a call from them and once he gets his contract signed, he will be working for Lockeed Martin in Fort Worth after graduation! i am so happy for him. it's almost like i had the job offered to me as sarah, his girlfriend, said in her journal. lol. but really, i am really proud of him and this new job is a stepping stone in his career. now he can see in what area he wants to get his apartment and has a whole month to find one! no pressure for immediate move in. you can't believe the joy my parents have expressed for his new job. now all that must be done on our part is to get his invitations out (which look fabulous) cheer him on at graduation and then help him move. no coming back to lubbock for him;)

Tuesday, July 12, 2005 

a person in my history class wrote this little poem while we were bored out of our minds and ijust so happened to glance at it and asked if i could copy it down by giving her credit but still letting her be anonomous.


Tired of fear,
Forget the resentment,
Who gives a freaking care?
Live as you should;
Live as you want
Let Go...Let GO!
Let me be,
Let me live,
Take that hand off of me.
I will not live for you;
Will not exist for you.
I've seen my life,
Lived my life
And will soon return.
Your rules, your orders are not things i yearn.
You follow your life;
I'll follow mine;
Manage yourself.
I can take care of me.
Don't tell me what to do because i don't live with you.
I live on my own;
Exist out of your 'world'
Eat, work and sleep with out being told.
See here,
I've seen the world through my own eyes.
I am no longer your servant,
No longer your puppet,
No longer bound to your ties.

Sunday, July 10, 2005 

so i am being a procrastinator at the present moment. i've done a small amount of my homework and well i don't want to get started on the millions of pages i still have to read by tomorrow. blah! why didn't i do it yesterday you ask? well that deserves a really good explaination:

Friday my mom had me do some stuff to prepare for the baby shower and asked if i would clean the house b/c we both feared that the place that is was supposed to be at wouldn't be open. so my aunt and i made some stuff all night and she went home at 11. as she left, i began to clean every single thing in the house. and we are remodeling so everything is total chaos. after picking my mom up from work and stopping at walmart, i returned to work on the house while my mom and bro went to sleep...i finished at 7am and took a 3hr nap followed by rushing my brother to karate. time for the babyshower came around and guess what? we ended up having it in our house! blah. i was so exhausted. lots of people in our house and everyone didn't leave til almost 7.

needless to say i would love to have a day where i could just sit back and not worry about anything but i doubt that will happen anytime soon. btw...for those who are interested, the baby will no doubt be here within the week. we are almost sure of it. He has already dropped and well...let's just say that it will be soon i'll let yal know when he does come and what his name is when he finally gets here since no one knows yet. later

Thursday, July 07, 2005 

so many thoughts make a scrambled mind

ok, so bare with me. there are some things that i've been holding off on blogging and maybe i can remember to put them down.

started my psychology and history classes over at reese center...if you ever want to feel like you're back in gradeschool, then that place is for you! seriously, it gets so boring and my history teacher talks to us like we are 5th graders and reads the notes word for word to us. psychology is a little bit better but a film we watched today...well i could have done without it. we are going through prenatal period and needless to say i think i will obt for them to cut me open if i ever get pregnant or i'll just adopt! i am excited about my project for the class and can't wait to get started on the research.

my mom talked to my brother this past weekend...zach, the one that will graduate from uta in august. (i know it can get confusing remember which bro i'm talking about) apparently, his group had a big set back with the project blowing up or something...i truely feel for them..they were almost done too! but i just talked to his girlfriend sarah and it looks like the company that sold them the defective part will fix things. also just got the news that his interview today went brother may very well have a job before he graduates! keeping my fingers crossed for him.

ok,i think other than that news things are pretty much the same...if my dad lets me, i will use his camera at the babyshower saturday and update the gallery with the maybe you'll get to see that. well time to get back to the books...i should stop sneaking over to the computer. no internet for mandey! can do that when i get back to arlington...don't worry...i'll still blog;)

Monday, July 04, 2005 

well first off...happy 4th of july to everyone. this past weekend was somewhat laid back. my parents treated us to a weekend in a hotel since we don't get to go on vacation this year. it was good minus the huge amounts of clorine in the pool and hot tub...i couldn't stop my tears for 3 hrs after getting out! yea...well i'm gonna fragment my fourth of july starting with last night...

watched movies with brother until 1am. set wakeup call for 7:30...sleep...woke up at 4:30...couldn't 6 decided to go get breakfast..yea me breakfast even though i don't really eat breakfast. fell asleep at woke me up...rolled out of bed by a mad dad...8:50 took little bro to 4th on broadway which has the parade followed by the street fair...parked in the 'boonie's' b/c there was no where to to my uncle's boothe where i was put to work and saw less than 10 of the floats of the parade. yes.. oh yes...from 9am until 4:30, i was doing.....COTTON CANDY... oh the joy. i had a 30 minute break to go get my bro lunch before my parents got there to take him...but oh yes...covered in sugar from head to 3 i was making them to order b/c they kept on coming up..blah blah i hurt soooo bad...and i can barely feet big good news of the day: my parents decided against fireworks tonight! yes! well hope everyone is doing good...laters..

Friday, July 01, 2005 

"everything that is and was began with a dream..."- The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl

yes..i saw that the request of my mother, my brother and i went to the movies last friday night and saw this kids' movie...but the message it sends is awesome in my opinion: to keep dreaming regardless of what others say and to build your dreams until they become real. of course, i am all for imagination.

'Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality"-Jules de Gaultier

imagination is essential for any person. maybe you think i am just saying that b/c i'm an english major but that has little to do with it. i don't know what i would have done without my imagination as a kid...when you have no one else to play with b/c it's raining or everyone's older and don't want some little kid around, imagination is key. when you're reading a good book that has no pictures and you're only 7, the sky's the create your own pictures. so before you turn the tv back on, see if you can make your own show...ha...look at me giving advise! long has it been since you've sat outside in the sun and looked up at the clouds and seen different things up there and created a story?