mandey must post..must post...oh wow. just had a totally awesome day w/darcy and megan. the day started a little ehh..kinda sorta didn't wake up for preview day..oh wells. but anywho, i spent the day with two wonderful people. we went to the mall and just had so much fun. and i got some shopping that needed to be done. sweet. dinner at fridays was great and the movie! oh wow! fever pitch is sooo awesome! high five to megan who saw that it was playing tonight! oh gosh..i so love that guy..hold it; no i love the writers who wrote his lines! he was just so perfect...and then megan and darcy making fun of me b/c of how i was in suspense mode. hey, i don't care if i know how it'll's the stuff in the middle that makes it awesome. lol. sorry, i seriously loved that movie. well life is pretty good here and i must say that i love my RAs. they are the best and they truely do know EVERYTHING that goes on around here whether you want them to or not. well gonna do some studying and what not.