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Sunday, December 25, 2005 


seriously! last night after christmas mass, delicious tamales were unwrapped and eaten at my grandma's house. It's a Flores tradition. one of my favorites. let me tell you, traditional mexican tamales are a lot better than...well actually, i mean extremely better than those cruddy tamales that Aramark attempts to make;) since yesterday i've had my share of some very awesome food. i bask in the tamales b/c of the tradition behind them. For a traditional hispanic family (which all of my family is) tamales are on the main course for christmas b/c even if you don't have much at christmas, or even if you do, this is a present that everyone gets to unwrap and don't even have to wait for santa to come! mmmm...my grandpa's tamales...his were awesome! i'm going over later this week to see if he'll send me back to arlington with at least some to eat with my friend and her family;)

so i'm waiting in line at the toy store in the mall with my mother...her hands are full and i'm holding the shopping bags. the lady ahead of us is checking out and she has the most adorable baby girl who's maybe 2 months old...The lady has to move up to the counter and pay the cashier and the baby goes crazy..she's upset and crying. my mother tries to help the lady by making cute faces but nothing helps...i wasn't right next but when the baby became fussy, iwalked up. All i did was look down at her and smile...I then asked her what she wanted...i saw her pacifier and slipped it in her mouth and she was silent and started cooing... My mother was SHOCKED and Jealous! THe mom thanked me of course. Later at church the babies sitting in front of us were commented on their lovely behavior thanks to me;) for some reason the 3 or 4 times they started to become fussy i just so happened to glance over and they calmed down! It's a gift, what else is there to explain it? Ironic in a few ways but still it's a gift.